The owners of the unit above my office/hobby hole having decided to renovate, I have been driven out by the noise of reconstruction work these last several days, so managing no painting or new games. However, one upside of enforced idleness on the gaming front has been time to try my hand at video production.
Other members of the Hong Kong Society of Wargamers have been active producing videos on how to play DBMM, Warmaster Revolution, Command Decision and Strength and Honour and a couple of old friends have been urging me to try the medium. So, a first step has been taken, using pictures taken in the last in the series of Blundering into Battle engagements that I reported on earlier.
Rather than try to give a dice roll by dice roll account of the action I have tried to cast this fictional fight in an historical perspective and keep the whole thing to less than 10 minutes. Getting the hang of linking pictures to voice overs and background music, then moving the finished product over to YouTube has been an interesting - and time consuming - experience. I hope that the product will be of some enjoyment for you 😅
You can find the video at this link.
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