Painting Progress : Spanish Cavalry for 80/30 Years Wars


Taking pity on the 10mm cavalry that had been relegated to the back of the painting desk for a couple of months, I have made a push to get them completed and to get the rest of the Spanish infantry ready for painting.

To give a distinctive appearance to the Spanish/Italian cavalry I am using figures from Pendraken's Elizabethan range, three packs of Mounted Arquebusiers matched up with a pack of Mounted Command to give 60 figures altogether.

Two groups of 12 have been painted up with mainly cream coloured coats.  As there are two command bases, these can either form two standard sized regiments or one command base can be removed and the rest mounted on a large base as a large harquebusier regiment.

12 more figures have a mix of buff and light blue coats.

Finally two more groups of 12 with black or dark red coats, again able to form a single large harquebusier regiment when required.

The flags are quickly printed up ones that I have made up without any research as to what Spanish cavalry standards may really have looked like.  They can lift off when better are available.

In the background can be seen the figures that will bring up to full strength the three half tercios completed earlier in the year to make up numbers for the Ameixial battles. The figures for a fourth Spanish Tercio are still to clean up ready for painting.  After that, on to Swedish Regiments.


  1. Good to see you cracking on with your painting after a series of interesting navel fleet actions.

    1. It is good to keep the production line moving, though the main motivation has been that construction work has begun on the site next to my office, which renders painting about the only thing I can focus on, provided I wear ear plugs and noise cancelling headphones!


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