End of the Month Painting Desk : More Macedonians

There is still a day to go before the end of June but I am not sure that there will be time tomorrow to get these onto their bases.  They are 32 Zvezda Macedonian phalangites that will make up another pair of syntagma for the expanding Macedonian army.

Before the repainting they had been part of the 'red' or 'blue' phalanx, making up numbers in what were units made up mostly of HäT figures.

The old colour scheme was an off white undergarment with any armour in a rather dull bronze and a touch of red or blue detail to indicate the unit it belonged to.

The repaint began with an amaranth red as the undergarment colour, with an off-white stripe down the middle for those figures not wearing a linothorax. The picture is of an extra figure added to the group to bring up the numbers to the required level, so painted from scratch rather than repainted - and a lot easier to work with than the other figures which already had the sarissas firmly attached.

One of the real repaints underway

A completed command figure with gleaming bronze shield, helmet and greaves.  A thin wash of black ink was used on the shield to pick out the detail

The repaint took a lot longer than the touching up work done earlier on the HäT figures, mostly reflecting the higher level of detail on the Zvezda figures.  After they are based up I will get out all the Macedonian army figures to assess what still needs to be added and what remains to be upgraded to the new standard.

30th June Update

Basing completed
