Getting the Supplies In : Laying the Table

 For tonight's Pike and Shot battle I have set up a scenario that will allow all of the cavalry that have been painted over the past few months to be fielded, along with a supply train and some poor unfortunate Protestant infantry who are trying to get the supplies and themselves into a nearby fortress before the Imperial army can begin to lay siege to it.

The infantry are not alone.  A brigade of cavalry has escorted them thus far and is still covering the rear of the slow moving column of wagons and infantry.  Ahead of them, another brigade of cavalry has come out of the fortress to help see them safely in.  That is the friendly bit.  Off to their flank 12 regiments of assorted Imperial Cuirassiers, Reiters, Croats, Harquebusiers and Dragoons are about to appear and bear down on them with every intention of doing damage and stopping the supplies and men making it to safety.

The overall layout - a 6' by 4'4" playing area (30 by 22 Base Widths in the measurement system used by the rules).  Blue boxes are positions where the Protestants start set up - 1 and 3 being the cavalry wings, 2 the supply train and infantry.  Imperial forces must deploy some troops in each third of their edge of the table, up to 5 Base Widths in, but the player can choose how to apportion his forces.  The supply train starts in the middle of the table.  It will need 10 turns for the head of the column to reach the safety of the redoubts in the bottom left of the playing area.  15 turns of uninterrupted movement will be needed for the rear of the column to reach safety.  The Imperial cavalry can reach the road in 2 to 4 moves, depending on how much use they are able to make of extra advance actions.

The redoubts that mark the edge of the fortifications and place of safety for the supply train.  The guns may be useful but the cavalry will need to advance quickly if they are to stop the Imperial cavalry getting at the supply train first and will then obstruct the guns.

Each of the Protestant cavalry brigades has four regiments of Dutch style cavalry.  The two front regiments each have commanded shot attached, which increases their fire-power to greater than that of Cuirassiers but slows them down.  One of the regiments in the brigade from the fortress - pictured above - is a large regiment with a morale point quota of 3, the rest are standard cavalry with only 2 points.

There are four infantry regiments, deployed in column of march at the start.  The front and back regiments are pike heavy, making them a bit better when standing up to cavalry, while the two in the middle are musket heavy.

The Imperial line up is 2 regiments of Harquebusiers - mounted shot - 3 Regiments of Cuirassiers - all large regiments, two of which are elite - 4 Regiments of Gallopers - good in a charge but liable to lose control and pursue impetuously if they win - 2 Regiments of Dragoons that can be dismounted and 1 Regiment of Croat Light Horse who move very quickly so can exploit any gaps that open up to let them get at the supply train.

I have no idea how balanced this scenario will be but what is not to like about a big cavalry melĂ©e?  If it works out ok, I will take something similar to the next club meeting.
